
A black woman forms a heart shape with her hands. Suggests love, support, donations

Firstly, if you’ve clicked on this page…


Your kindness and care already means so much.

Ten Shades & Me is run by one person, entirely for free, which means that all costs are incurred on my own pocket. It is often stated that the work I do is important, valuable and noble. However, I cannot keep doing it for free.

The support that I receive from the Government is meant for my welfare as a disabled person, not for running a blog.

Therefore, I depend on sales and your support to keep going.

If you would like to support my work, please consider donating to me via Paypal by clicking on the button below:

(opens in a new window)

Some Suggested Donations:

  • £10 – My swims (aqua therapy!) for a week
  • £20 – Dead link scan & DMCA content protection for one month
  • £30 – We’ll purchase and review a new sex toy for the blog!
  • £35 – the full cost of keeping Ten Shades & Me running for one month
  • £60 – Our grocery shopping for a week
  • £90 – Rent for one week

Other donation amounts are also welcome

Thankyou again 🙂